Clive regularly gives workshops on plant & garden photography across the UK.

Spring Photography Masterclass
Saturday 28th April 2024
RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB
10.30am – 4.00pm
This RHS Garden Wisley course begins with an illustrated lecture followed by practical sessions in the garden, where students can learn about the techniques honed by Clive over a twenty-year career as a professional flower and garden photographer. Clive will show you how to get the most from your camera, whatever your skill level.
Please bring your own camera; a digital SLR camera is preferable. A suggested equipment list will be sent ahead of the course.
Includes tea, coffee and a light lunch.
Tutor: Clive Nichols

Autumn Photography Masterclass
Wednesday 23rd October 2024
Bowood House & Gardens, Bowood, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 0LZ

Summer Photography Masterclass
Saturday 20th July 2024
Patthana Garden, Kiltegan, Co.Wicklow, Ireland W91 X789

Summer Garden Photography Masterclass
Saturday 3rd August 2024 – 10.30am – 4.00pm
RHS Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB
This course begins with an illustrated lecture followed by practical sessions in the garden, where students can learn about the techniques honed by Clive Nichols over a 20-year career as a professional flower and garden photographer. Clive shows you how to get the most from your camera, whatever your skill level.
Please bring your own camera, a digital SLR camera is preferable. A suggested equipment list will be sent ahead of the course.
Includes tea, coffee and a light lunch. Ticket price includes garden entry.

£125 - Online Courses
Clive loves to teach but can’t always connect with everyone globally who wants to learn. Through his new online courses with MyGardenSchool and MyPhotoSchool he can reach you wherever you are in the world.
Months of work have gone into this online photography course, and as far as we know it’s the first truly interactive plant and flower photography course on the web. Throughout the course he will teach you the key techniques that he has honed throughout his career as a garden photographer.
The course takes four weeks in total. Each week commences with a tutoring video from Clive. After that there are assignments where you will correspond directly with Clive for feedback and critiques. Each course start on the first Saturday of every month and can be booked up to two months in advance.